Collaborate With Us

Want to collaborate? Have a cool idea? Have a story you want published? We love working alongside fellow creatives/artists on written articles, digital content, photoshoots, and events.

Let's work together :)


Please email all submissions to:

Written Articles

We are always looking for written pieces for publication on our online journal and we’d love to hear from you! If you have an idea or a story/piece you would like to submit for our journal then drop us a message. Please take a look at The SOC Journal beforehand to make sure your ideas align with our storytelling :)

Digital Content

Get involved by submitting video/photo content which is regularly featured on our Instagram & Tiktok channels. This is a great way to collaborate with us and build exposure.

Digital content can look like:

  • Product Content. Content that shows our audience how they can wear or style pieces. For example: get ready with me's, ways to style a shirt, monthly favorites, or close-ups of a specific piece.

  • Educational content. A huge part of our brand ethos is focusing on where/how our pieces are made. Content that works well for this could feature deep dives into specific designers or techniques, the history behind a textile/fabric, or how you source materials.

Check out our Instagram: @thesocietyofcloth and our TikTok: @societyofcloth for examples.


We carry pieces from a wide variety of brands and regularly conduct studio shoots to be featured on our website and social media. If you are a photographer with a unique idea or concept for a shoot and would like to collaborate please send us an email! Please keep in mind this is different than 'digital content'.


As an online store, we host in-person events every few months to interact with our community. Ways to get involved with events:

  • If you are an events space that would like to collaborate, send us an email!
  • If you are a creative who is involved with space decor/design i.e. floral artist, painter, installation artist etc.


We are a Brooklyn based team and share a love for design and craft alongside our community.

As we seek to connect with emerging brands, we aim to do the same with the people we meet along the way.